Dove - Y3/4

Welcome to Dove!

Welcome to Dove class. We are a mixed class from years 3&4 and you will find us in the classroom opposite the hall. We are a respectful, ready and safe class, who enjoy being creative. We will do lots of inspiring and engaging learning throughout the year. There will be a key focus of times tables, presentation and reading. We have an exciting year ahead!

Our teacher is Miss Blake & our teaching assistant is Miss Ponting.

If you have any questions, you can email us at

Miss Babs Blake, Dove TeacherMiss Babs Blake, Dove Teacher   

 HZ7A1843Miss Beth Ponting, Teaching Assistant


Homework, Spellings & Knowledge Organisers, Meet the Teacher PPT can be found in the document list at the bottom of this page.

Term 3

In term three, year 3 / 4 will be reading ‘The Wild Robot’ and creating our own setting descriptions. In Geography and Science, we will be learning about volcanoes and rocks. We will also be learning a new sport…dodgeball. Our creative homework this term is to make a model of a volcano ready for our eruption day on Monday 10th February.

Term 2

This term, we have enjoyed learning about Ancient Egypt. We have been reading the book Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx and have written our own playscripts. We enjoyed our class trip to Bristol Museum and enjoyed seeing sarcophaguses and other artefacts. In maths we have been mastering our column addition and subtraction methods. We enjoyed learning about sound in science and made our own string telephones. Kingfisher and Dove have been fortunate to have a PE coach teach them the rules and skills of hockey, whilst Puffin have been playing tag rugby.

Our online visitor from the USA

We were very fortunate to have an online Egyptology lesson all the way from Tennessee, USA, courtesy of Dr Carol Eckert. She is a professor in Egyptian studies at Tennessee University, she talked the children about life in Ancient Egypt and we had a Q& A session where the children could talk to her about the upcoming creative homework.

Online history lesson from TennesseeOnline history lesson from Tennessee

Charterhouse Meeting PPT - please see the documents below.

Term 1

What a busy start to the new school year.

This term year 3 and 4 have being investigating skeletons of humans and animals, many children were inspired by this and chose to make working models for their creative homework. Some children decided to look into their family tree and made some great discoveries about their family back stories.

In writing, we have written fantasy stories based on the book ‘Charlie changes into a chicken’, the children wrote about them transforming into an array of animals and the problems that might they encounter along the way. We were also fortunate to go on a trip to the Bath literacy festival and meet the author and illustrator of ‘Dexter Procter’, the children came away feeling inspired to read their own copy of the book, all 304 pages..

In Art, we have been focusing on creating 3D sculptures from 2D ideas, we have worked with clay and wire. We learnt the rules of netball and have enjoyed playing small games and shooting for goal, also in gym we have created our own routines that have incorporated; shapes, positions, jumps, rolls and balances. Mammia Mia was our song stimulus for Music this term, which we hope you enjoyed during our class assembly accompanied by glockenspiels.

We are looking forward to see what next term brings!

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